Greg Stowers
3 min readFeb 21, 2022


Stream of Consciousness (Birthday 2/19)

Humbled to have made it here. Some will say that’s dark, others will say that’s real. God and the prayers of Black mothers are the only reason I’m here. Thank you for not pulling that trigger; when I talked myself out of that, I realized I could also talk myself into anything. On that note, fellas just know she chooses you, before you ever choose her. You either got it or you don’t — regardless you’re gonna make the group chat. My guy once said, “the idea of being ‘cool’ is rooted in authenticity. No piece of paper or dollar amount can can give you sauce; you can’t be born with it either, it can only be acquired through experience.

On a daily basis I struggle with too many experiences, while understanding I haven’t done close to enough — 465 isn’t a highway, it’s a mindset. Outgrowing people is scary, but being outgrown is terrifying. Comparison is the thief of joy, but seeing my boy taking candids in the Oval Office made me get off my ass. Touching every continent may not be in your wheelhouse, but snorkeling off the coast of Thailand changed my life. The strip on Patong Beach is ten times as wild as Bourbon Street. That being said, New Orleans I left it all on the field — you owe me nothing.

Being humble will never work as well as being aware. Know yourself. If you have people around you to tell you you’re fucking up, it’s a blessing. Getting punched in the face was a gamechanger, it let me know violence is always an option (regardless of how weak it looks) but to that point acknowledging truths and talking shit are two different things; the latter has never gotten me anywhere. You can’t save everyone (but you can get that bag tho) so I always lean on this: “Do you want comfort or solutions?” Your friends aren’t supposed to be your therapist, pay someone for that. There were some stretches when things weren’t alright, making it through those times has been my best work.

“Midwestern Nice” is just another term for being passive aggressive. If they gossip with you, they gossip about you — just accept it champ. I legitimately hate that about myself, but 99% of the time the comments are said in jest because…no one is above the roast. Hold some shit to your self. Not to be secretive, but because like books and black lives, privacy matters. My alone is so good I’ll only have you if you’re sweeter than my solitude. Love is a tricky thing. Love is a risky thing. But never an iffy thing. Kenza — thank you. We can write about ourselves, our stories.

Deep down you always know. Things work out as they should. People make a good living on things you do for free. You gotta do what you say you’re gonna do, there’s no room for not doing that. Power isn’t a zero sum game. Streets are happier when everybody eats. Please go make some money — you can do good, while doing good. In closing, best piece of advice: “Do a good job.”

