Greg Stowers
3 min readDec 18, 2020


In my old age, routines have become important. Over the past five years, one of those routines was our activations for Hashtag Lunchbag. Once a month (more often than not) we’d get together with a group of friends/colleagues to pack up meals for those in need. The idea isn’t new or revolutionary, but the community of people we created would beg to differ. Loren bought in early on, as he always has — providing the necessary critique, but a properly-timed “shut up” when I would thank him for his help. Over the years more than 1000 people have worked on our activations, from corporations to community groups. Illest part? I can call or text the majority of people who have stepped up as recurring volunteers or representatives of companies or organizations. When I look around the room as we finish packing lunches I can remember specific stories about 90% of the people in attendance. This thing hasn’t worked with just me or Loren alone, it’s our friends and families who have continually stepped up for us.

I didn’t always have things, but I always had people.

Due to liability concerns, I haven’t felt comfortable hosting events and it through off the routine. The daps and hugs, phrases like “judicious mustard,” the love notes each volunteer writes — it all took a backseat due to Covid. A month ago, I had a crazy idea to use that contained energy to raise money for local shelters. I worked with our team in LA, as well as a staff-members and friends who advocate for Coburn Place (what up Elise!), Horizon House (Kristin Jones — the legend), and the Dayspring Center (Lisa and JRG — my heroes). I’m not a fundraiser by any means, but I put the word out hoping to raise may be $2500. To date we’ve raised $5800 thanks to people I can text and call.

It’s the friend who I used to do early morning workouts in the South Gym at North Central.

It’s the family that has always shown up.

It’s the younger fraternity brother who will always be invited to every barbecue from here on out.

Its those young politicos who are now becoming the donors

It’s the friend who shares an appreciation for the comedic aspects of Finding Forrester

It’s the mentors who say, “just send the link.”

It’s the friends like the “Trench god” who mix the ratchet with the righteous in ways I can totally appreciate.

It’s the guys who are a part of one of the most random group chats

It’s the homie from business foundations class who still needs to send me his tailors’ info

It’s the friend who has preserved through some challenges in LA, but still took the time to donate.

Again, I didn’t always things, but I always had people.

With a few days left in this fundraiser, we’d appreciate your donation as proceeds will go to help families in need during the holidays season. I’m beyond grateful for the support thus far and I hope to use it as momentum for 2021.

